What Type Of Jade Is In China?-More 20+

What Type Of Jade Is In China?-More 20+

China, with its rich geological diversity, is renowned for its abundant jade deposits. Jade has played a significant cultural and artistic role in Chinese history, cherished for its beauty, symbolism, and spiritual significance. Let's explore the various types of jade found in different regions of this vast country.

The Four Famous Jades of China

Hetian Jade

Hetian Jade, known as the "National Jade," is one of the Four Famous Jades of China. It is mainly found in the Hetian region of Xinjiang. It has a warm and delicate texture with a lustrous appearance, often resembling the luster of grease. Hetian Jade is highly valued for its collectible qualities and is commonly crafted into jewelry or pendants.


In traditional Chinese culture, Hetian Jade is considered an auspicious and protective item, widely used in religious and ceremonial activities. In ancient times, it was also used for making ritual and musical instruments, such as jade bi discs and jade flutes, symbolizing nobility and power.


Lantian Jade

Lantian Jade originates from Lantian Mountain in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. It is known for its hardness and natural colors, mainly in white, green, yellow, and red, earning it the reputation of "Lantian Feicui" (Lantian Jadeite). Lantian Jade is often used for crafting ornaments or jewelry.


Lantian Jade is a precious gemstone with high collectible value. Its unique colors and hard texture make it highly sought after in the jewelry market, and it is also considered a symbol of auspiciousness and protection.


Dushan Jade

Dushan Jade, also known as Nanyang Jade, comes from Dushan in Nanyang, Henan Province. It is a unique jade variety in China, known for its hard, dense texture and colorful appearance. Dushan Jade is often crafted into ornaments or pendants and cherished as valuable gifts or collectibles.


In Chinese traditional culture, Dushan Jade is regarded as an auspicious item and talisman, widely used in religious and ceremonial practices. It is also used in decoration and art, representing high artistic value and cultural significance.


Xiuyan Jade

Xiuyan Jade is produced in Xiuyan County, Anshan City, Liaoning Province. It is one of the Four Famous Jades of China, valued for its hard and smooth texture, bright luster, rich colors, high hardness, and excellent density. Throughout history, Xiuyan Jade has been considered an ideal material for jade carvings.


Xiuyan Jade is a precious gemstone used for jade carvings, jewelry, and decorative objects. Its unique characteristics and colorful appearance make it highly valuable in the field of jade carving and jewelry making. It is also considered an auspicious and protective item in Chinese culture, widely used in religious and ceremonial activities.


In conclusion, the Four Famous Jades of China - Hetian Jade, Lantian Jade, Dushan Jade, and Xiuyan Jade - are all highly precious gemstones with distinct characteristics and cultural significance. They are treasured as valuable collectibles and often used in jewelry and decorative arts.




In addition to the above-mentioned types of jade, there are many other types of jade in China, such as jadeite, turquoise, lapis lazuli, and more. These jades have different characteristics and uses.




Jadeite is mainly found in various southwestern regions of China and is a type of hard jade. It has a hard, fine, and dense texture, and it holds rich historical significance and profound meanings. With its clear green color, it is considered one of the finest gemstones among Chinese jewelry and jade.


Tianhuang Stone


Tianhuang Stone is mostly heard of, but its origin is largely unknown to many. It is mainly produced in Fujian and belongs to the Shoushan stone category. With low production and limited high-quality pieces, Tianhuang Stone has always been considered a rare treasure and should be cherished if one is fortunate enough to obtain it.


Lantian Jade


Lantian Jade is mainly produced in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. It has a high luster, presenting colors that can be either bright or elegant, and a fine and dense texture. It is relatively rare to find imperfections among Lantian Jade, making it highly prized and a popular choice for crafting.


Dushan Jade


Dushan Jade, also known as Nanyang Jade, originates from Nanyang, Henan Province, the place where Zhuge Liang lived in seclusion. Dushan Jade displays brilliant colors, including green, blue, yellow, purple, red, and white. Its soft and smooth texture, combined with its durability, makes it one of the Four Famous Jades of China.


Xiuyan Jade


Xiuyan Jade is primarily produced in Anshan, Liaoning Province. While it may seem plain among jade varieties, Xiuyan Jade can exhibit iridescent green hues. The deeper green is preferred, and its fine and rounded texture makes it a rare and excellent material among northern jade stones.


Shuidan Agate


Shuidan Agate is graded among the best in natural agates, rivaling Nanhong Agate. It is natural agate containing water inclusions. Transparent and free of cracks and flaws, Shuidan Agate is an excellent material for jade carvings.


Qingtian Stone


Among the best jade materials in China is Qingtian Stone, also known as Zhongling Yuxi. It is one of the traditional "Four Great Seal Stones" and is primarily characterized by its green color, waxy luster, and smooth feel.




Yusui is most often associated with Shanxi, a province known for its noodles. However, Shanxi is also one of the many sources of Yusui. With a fine texture and sometimes beautiful patterns, Yusui comes in various colors, including red, yellow, and white.


Warring States Red Agate


Warring States Red Agate is favored by many jewelry and jade enthusiasts for its natural and unique patterns. This type of agate is produced in places like Xuanhua and Baoding in Hebei Province, and it is considered a special and exceptional stone.


Alxa Agate


Speaking of exceptional stones, one cannot overlook Alxa Agate from Xinjiang. These agates resemble "flowers" blooming in the desert's heart, showcasing a hard and bizarre appearance, making them precious treasures among Chinese exceptional stones.


Liangshan Nanhong Agate


Sichuan is known for its outstanding people and land. Besides Yunnan, Liangshan in Sichuan is also a major source of Nanhong Agate. Liangshan's cherry red agate and Jiukou's Nanhong Agate are unique treasures in the world of jewelry and jade.




Guicui, with its predominantly blue hues and occasional green shades, has a name that sounds beautiful. It is mainly produced in Guizhou and is sometimes used to imitate jadeite.


Coral Jade


Taiwan is famous for its high mountain oolong tea, but it also has a jade called Coral Jade, especially the red coral, which is extremely rare globally and commands high prices, comparable to aloeswood.


Peacock Stone


Peacock Stone is an ancient jade material, named for its green color resembling the spots on a peacock feather. It can be translucent or opaque, and high-quality pieces have a glass-like luster, often displaying natural patterns.


Lapis Lazuli


Also known as Qingdai or Jinyu, Lapis Lazuli is mainly blue and serves as the primary source for the blue pigment used in painting and as materials for Buddhist prayer beads and other items.


Tiger's Eye Stone


Tiger's Eye Stone is primarily produced in Xichuan County, Henan Province. It is a gemstone with a cat-eye effect, mostly in yellowish-brown, displaying a silk-like optical effect. The best pieces have a uniform color with alternating bands.


Hanbai Jade and Jingbai Jade


Many people have heard of Hanbai Jade, which has a texture comparable to Hetian Jade. However, few have heard of Jingbai Jade, which is also produced in Beijing and is another specialty jade from the region.


Rain Flower Stone


Rain Flower Stone is a natural agate jade, often found in parks or home aquariums. It is primarily produced in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, and is known for its stunning and colorful appearance, although it is considered to be of lower quality among various jewelry and jade stones.


These various types of jadestones in China each possess unique characteristics and colors, serving different purposes and applications in the world of jewelry, decorative arts, and cultural significance.




  1. Xinjiang: Hetian Jade (King of Jades), Manasi Jade, Gobi Jade, Gobi Colored Stones, Bixi, Ehe Stone, Fengling Stone, Tianshan Qing, Yadan Stone, Xinjiang Chicken-Blood Red, Petrified Wood, Quartzite, Kawa Stone...
  2. Qinghai: Kunlun Jade, Kunlun Colored Jade, Heyuan Stone, Danma Colored Stones...
  3. Tibet: Fossil Stone, Red Agate, Agate Stone, Renbu Jade, Guorila Jade, Ivory Jade...
  4. Gansu: Qilian Jade, Jiuquan Jade, Lintao Jade, Wushan Jade, Luminous Stone, Yellow River Stone, Pangong Stone, Yongchang Unusual Stones...
  5. Liaoning: Xiuyan Jade, Xiuyan Laoyuhe Grinding Jade, Fuxin Agate, Fushun Coal Jing, Nanpiao Stone, Jinchuan Stone, Kuandian Stone, Lüdong Stone, Stone Fish, Taizihe Stone...
  6. Henan: Dushan Jade, Mi Jade, Plum Blossom Stone, Peach Blossom Stone, Moonstone, Heluo Stone, Peony Stone, Yellow River Sun and Moon Stone, Ruzhou Unusual Stones, Xin'an Lingqing Stone, Xin'an National Painting Stone, Songshan National Painting Stone, Magical Sun Stone, Xin'an Lingqing Stone...
  7. Hubei: Turquoise, Peacock Stone, Fish Eye Stone, Jianghan Fish Fossil, Hanjiang Stone, Duhe Stone, Nanhe Stone, Qingjiang Yunjin Stone, Yichang Agate Stone...
  8. Jilin: Songhua Stone, Songfeng Stone, An Green Stone, Changbai Stone...
  9. Heilongjiang: Fangzheng Colored Stones, Volcanic Bomb, Petrified Wood, Nenjiang Agate...
  10. Beijing: Hanbai Jade, Golden Sea Stone, Fangshan Taihu Stone, Jingmi Stone, Jingxi Chrysanthemum Stone, Petrified Wood, Shangshui Stone, Xuanyuan Stone, Jingxi Colored Jade Stone...
  11. Hebei: Quyang Snow Wave Stone, Taihang Leopard Skin Stone, Luanhe Stone, Baoding Stone, Cangzhou Stone, Model Tree Stone, Qianceng Stone, Tangyao Stone, Xinglong Chrysanthemum Stone, Laishui Cloud Vein Stone, Bamboo Leaf Stone...
  12. Shandong: Changle Sapphire (one of the world's five richest mines, accounting for about 90% of China's production), Muyu Stone, Taishan Jade, Laoshan Green Stone, Changdao Ball Stone, Laizhou Green Clay Stone, Daihuang Stone, Stalactite Stone, Rizhao Green Stone, Sishui Pumice Stone, Qingzhou Red Silk Stone...
  13. Shaanxi: Lantian Jade, Chrysanthemum Stone, Begonia Stone, Jialingjiang Stone, Hanjiang Stone, Han River Xiang Stone, Han River Gold Vein Stone, Han River Bamboo Leaf Stone, Five Flower Stone, Liangshan Shiyan, Luohu Source Stone...
  14. Shanxi: Dazhai Stone, Hequ Yellow River Stone, Linxian Yellow River Stone, Lishan Plum Blossom Stone, Jiangzhou Stone...
  15. Sichuan: Yangtze River Stone, Peony Stone (Lotus Stone), Sichuan Green Mudstone, Grape Stone, Bodhisattva Stone, Songlin Stone, Longxi Stone, Guangyuan Danjing Stone, Nanhong Agate...
  16. Anhui: Anhui Purple Gold Stone, Jixi Jinsha Chrysanthemum Stone, Jinzhai Jade Stone (Yellow Wax Stone), Lingbi Stone (Eight-Tune Stone), Jingwen Stone...
  17. Jiangxi: Lushan Chrysanthemum Stone, Zhangjiang Agate Stone, Dayu Zhangjiang Wall, Gannan Colored Pottery Stone, Fuzhou Stone, Yellow Wax Stone (Yingtan, Ganzhou)...
  18. Jiangsu: Donghai Crystal Stone (accounting for nearly 60% of China's crystal production), Nanjing Rain Flower Stone, Taihu Stone, Kun Stone, Axe Split Stone, Huang Taihu Stone, Qixia Stone, Xuzhou Chrysanthemum Stone, Changjiang Stone, Guanjiang Stone...
  19. Zhejiang: Wuzhou Huang Wax Stone, Changhua Chicken-Blood Stone, Qingtian Stone, Shuichong Petrified Wood, Taohua Stone, Tianzhu Stone, Jinhua Song Stone, Ninghai Wax Stone...
  20. Hunan: Hunan Colored Silica Jade Stone, Shuichong Stone, Shuihua Stone, Xianglai Colored Stone, Hengzhou Leiyang Stone, Zhangliang Stone, Wuling Stone, Wuling Perforated Stone, Colored Silica Stone, Anhua Unusual Stones, Cinnabar, Tortoise Shell Stone...
  21. Guangdong: Guangdong Green Jade, Blue Flower Stone, Dianbai Yellow Wax Stone, English Stone, Stalactite Stone, Chaozhou Wax Stone, Gold Stone, Yangchun Peacock Stone, Yong'an Wax Stone...
  22. Guizhou: Guizhou Luodian Jade, Luodian Unusual Stones, Guizhou Green, Jingmo Jade, Wujiang Stone, Qianzhong Colored Stone, Panjiang Stone, Yuanjiang Stone, Wujiang Stone, Machang Stone...
  23. Guangxi: Guangxi Dahuashi, Dawan Jade, Dahua Green Jade, National Painting Stone (Grass Flower Stone), Inkstone, Tian'e Stone, Stone Gall, Sanjiang Colored Pebbles, Babu Wax Stone, Nanliu Agate, Maan Colored Pottery Stone, Scroll Stone, Wubai Wax Stone...

These are just a few examples of the diverse range of jade found across China. Each type of jade holds unique cultural, historical, and artistic significance, making them treasured gems cherished by both artisans and collectors alike. From the renowned Hetian Jade to the captivating Kunlun Jade and beyond, China's jade heritage remains an essential part of its rich cultural tapestry.

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