What Is Lotus Flower Necklace Meaning?

What Is Lotus Flower Necklace Meaning?

Lotus flower necklaces are a popular piece of jewelry that has become increasingly popular in recent years. They are a beautiful accessory that can be worn with any outfit and can symbolize a wide range of meanings. The lotus flower is a unique and powerful symbol that has been revered for centuries. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the lotus flower necklace and why it has become such a popular accessory.


what is a lotus flower necklace?

A lotus flower necklace is a piece of jewelry that features a lotus flower as its main design element. The lotus flower is a symbol of spiritual growth, enlightenment, purity, and beauty, and has been revered for centuries in many cultures around the world. The necklace can be made of various materials such as gold, silver, brass, or copper, and can come in different styles ranging from simple and understated to elaborate and ornate. Some lotus flower necklaces feature a single flower charm, while others may have multiple flowers or additional embellishments such as gemstones or beads. The lotus flower necklace is a popular accessory worn by people of all ages and backgrounds and can be a statement piece that adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any outfit.


lotus flower symbolism in chinese culture

Lotus flower jade necklace meaning:


Justice and integrity: Lotus symbolizes "integrity and justice". It implies that one can stay in a high position without being greedy, and maintain justice and integrity. This was a praise for honest officials in the old days. People regard the lotus as a symbol of a gentleman because the lotus stem is straight and transparent. The "integrity and justice" in jade works is also the same, using lotus to metaphorically describe people's noble character and integrity in officialdom.


Purity and beauty: The purity and sanctity of the lotus flower represent beautiful friendships and love. Lotus is the only flower that combines flower, fruit, and seed in one, also known as the "Buddhist relic lotus." It is a symbol of a long life and pure love. Two lotus flowers side by side represent the love between husband and wife. At the same time, a pair of lotus pods represent being of one heart, wishing for a happy marriage.

Abundance year after year: The pronunciation of lotus is similar to "continuous" in Chinese, and can be combined with other auspicious things to express many auspicious meanings. If combined with carp or goldfish, it means "continuous abundance." If combined with plum blossom, it represents a harmonious and beautiful life. If combined with osmanthus, it means "continuously giving birth to noble children." If combined with egret and lotus, it represents continuous success in studies. All of these express auspicious and prosperous meanings through homophonic puns.


Many children and blessings: A lotus flower has many seeds, symbolizing many children and blessings. If a child is depicted sitting on a lotus leaf, holding a sheng (a Chinese musical instrument), and carrying lotus seeds in his hand, it implies that he will have many children and blessings.


The meaning of a lotus flower jade necklace is to symbolize justice, integrity, purity, beauty, and abundance, and to express good wishes for happy marriages, harmonious relationships, and prosperous lives. The lotus flower's symbolism of pure and noble qualities can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to the wearer's outfit.


lotus flower symbolism in buddhism

Lotus is a symbol of purity, sanctity and auspiciousness in Buddhism, especially used to illustrate how Buddhas and Bodhisattvas remain pure and untainted while living in the world. Buddhism regards lotus as a sacred flower and uses it to symbolize Buddha. It represents how Bodhisattvas are born in the world of suffering but remain untroubled by it. Buddha placed lotus at the highest position due to its divine significance in Buddhism. Lotus is referred to as the holy flower of Buddhism in Buddhist scriptures, and the Buddhist kingdom is called the "lotus realm". The Buddhist monk's robe is referred to as the "lotus garment", and the gesture of Buddhist hand seals is called the "lotus and utpala seal". Even the Buddha himself, Shakyamuni, is referred to as the "lotus prince".


Lotus is closely associated with Buddhism and can be considered a symbol of Buddha. The purity of lotus, which grows out of mud without being tainted, symbolizes the detachment of Buddha and Bodhisattvas from worldly desires and attachments. The fact that the lotus flower dies but the root does not represents the idea that the soul of a person does not die, but continues in the cycle of reincarnation. Lotus grows in the mud, just as humans live in a world of impurities and may be affected by many evil and unclean influences. Buddhism requires people not to be affected by the evil and impurities of the world. To be like lotus, to "grow out of mud without being tainted", and to bloom into a pure and beautiful flower, is the most beautiful symbol. Buddhist scriptures often compare the nature of lotus to the nature of Buddha.


Whether it is Tibetan Buddhism or Chinese Buddhism, the most common symbol in their painting process is the lotus flower. In addition to the above characteristics, the most important symbolic meaning of the lotus flower is twofold:


1.The first symbolic meaning is that it represents the wisdom of emptiness in Buddhism. There is a very famous Buddhist story called "The Flower Sermon." It tells the story of one time when the Buddha was giving a sermon on the Lingjiu Mountain. The Buddha picked up a golden lotus flower with a serene expression, smiled at everyone, but didn't say a word. Everyone was confused and puzzled about its meaning. At this time, Mahakashyapa smiled. The Buddha immediately announced, "I have the profound Buddhist teachings that illuminate the universe and encompass all things, the profound heart method of extinguishing life and death and transcending reincarnation, and the marvelous mysteries that can break through all false appearances and achieve the right result, whose subtleties are difficult to express. I use the wisdom of observation and transmit it from heart to heart, teaching beyond the scriptures. Now I transmit it to Mahakashyapa." This is the origin of the Zen story "The Flower Sermon."


Here, the flower represents the teachings. When we see a flower, we only think that it is just a flower, with some flower features. However, in fact, the flowers in Buddhism have the traces of the whole universe. When we see a flower, we not only think of sunshine, deserts, soil, and seawater, but also through this small flower, we can see the infinite!


Therefore, every Buddhist, when they see the flower in the painting, will feel the symbolic meaning of the flower in the universe.


2.The second symbolic meaning is that the lotus flower is also used to represent the compassion that arises from the wisdom of emptiness. The Indian master Nagarjuna in the 4th century described Maitreya Buddha in his "Fundamental Treatise on the Middle Way" as follows: "The lotus rises out of the mud but is not stained by it. Similarly, bodhisattvas live in the world but do not become tainted by it." Compassion inspires vows, and wisdom ensures spiritual freedom. The meaning here is that the bodhisattva comes to the world to save all sentient beings. Like the lotus flower that rises out of the mud but is not stained by it, the bodhisattva is completely unobstructed by the dust of the world, does not delight in superficial beauty, does not hate superficial ugliness, and does not anger at superficial evil. Wisdom enables them to see through the emptiness and infinite nature of all things, and they will not suffer from the spiritual distortion, pollution, and corruption that ignorant people do!


why is the lotus flower important to buddhism?

The lotus flower is important to Buddhism because it symbolizes various concepts that are central to Buddhist beliefs and teachings. One of the most important symbolic meanings of the lotus flower in Buddhism is that it represents the purity of the body, speech, and mind that can be achieved through the practice of the Buddhist path. The lotus flower is rooted in the mud and grows in murky water, but despite its surroundings, it remains pure and untainted. This is seen as a metaphor for the possibility of achieving enlightenment and liberation from suffering, even in the midst of the defilements and difficulties of the world.


Additionally, the lotus flower is also associated with the Buddha himself. According to legend, when the Buddha was born, he took seven steps and with each step, a lotus flower bloomed under his feet. The lotus is also often depicted as a seat or throne for the Buddha, signifying his transcendence of the world and his attainment of the highest spiritual realization.


The lotus flower is also a symbol of the interdependence of all phenomena in Buddhist philosophy. It represents the idea that all things arise in dependence upon causes and conditions, and that nothing exists independently or permanently. The lotus flower's growth from the mud and its connection to the water, sun, and air demonstrate this interconnectedness and impermanence.


Overall, the lotus flower holds deep significance and meaning for Buddhists, representing both the potential for spiritual purification and the fundamental teachings of the Buddha.


lotus flower in chinese mythology


Legend of Lotus Flower Incarnation


According to the legend, the lotus flower is said to be the incarnation of a beautiful maid named Yuji, who served the Queen Mother of the West. Envious of the happy couples in the mortal world, she stole away from the heavenly palace with the company of the River God's daughter, and arrived at the West Lake in Hangzhou. The beautiful scenery of the lake captivated her, and she played in the water until dawn without wanting to leave. The Queen Mother of the West, upon learning of her absence, punished her by using a lotus throne to press her into the lake, and decreed that she would be "buried in the mud forever, never to return to the Southern Heaven." From then on, the heavenly palace lost a beautiful maid, and the mortal world gained a flower that was as pure and lovely as Yuji.


Legend of Birthday Flower


The lotus flower is also associated with a famous beauty in ancient China named Xi Shi, who was believed to be the goddess of lotus flowers in June. When her country of Yue was defeated by the state of Wu, King Goujian of Yue searched for beautiful women to send to the King of Wu in order to distract him from his war efforts. Xi Shi was chosen and trained for three years to become an outstanding beauty. The King of Wu was mesmerized by her beauty and spent all his time with her, neglecting his duties and causing his state to weaken. Eventually, the state of Wu was defeated by Yue, and the captured King of Wu regretted his actions and committed suicide. Xi Shi was brought back to Yue by King Goujian, but the queen was jealous of her beauty and tied her to a stone before throwing her into the river. However, the people did not believe that she had died and instead believed that she had become the goddess of lotus flowers, residing on a small island. During the annual lotus festival, young girls who came to pick lotuses by the riverbank would see her.


Legend of the Lotus Fairy


Long ago, the waters of the Baili Hong Lake were unpredictable, causing great suffering for the people who lived there. One day, the beautiful Lotus Fairy sisters were flying on their auspicious clouds to attend the Peach Banquet when they passed by the area and saw the tragic scene of starving people everywhere. They were moved to tears and decided to give up their precious pearl necklaces to help the people. The Queen Mother of the West noticed their missing pearls at the Peach Banquet and learned of their selfless act. She then sent the Lotus Fairies down to the mortal world to help the people. With their help, the once-flooded Hong Lake turned into a beautiful place filled with blooming lotus flowers and abundant fish and ducks.


The Resurrection of Nezha through the Lotus Flower


After Li Jing shattered Nezha's palace and destroyed his golden body made of mud and incense, Nezha's soul had nowhere to go. He went to the Golden Light Cave in Qianyuan Mountain to seek help from his master, Taiyi Zhenren.


Taiyi Zhenren commanded Jin Xia Tonger, "Pick two branches of lotus flowers from the Five Lotus Pool and three lotus leaves." The child hurriedly took the lotus leaves and flowers and laid them on the ground. The master pulled the petals off the flowers, arranged them in the Three Powers formation, and broke the lotus stem into three hundred segments. The three lotus leaves were arranged in the order of Heaven, Earth, and Human.


Taiyi Zhenren placed a golden pill in the center and used his magic to separate the dragon and tiger forces, restrain Nezha's soul, and push it towards the lotus flowers and leaves. He then shouted, "Nezha, why remain in your non-human form? It's time to transform!" Suddenly, a sound was heard, and a man who was one zhang and six chi tall (about five meters) jumped up, with a face as white as jade, lips as red as cinnabar, eyes sparkling, and a body covered with lotus flowers. This was Nezha's lotus flower incarnation, who prostrated himself before his master. This is how Nezha was resurrected through the power of the lotus flower.


Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Lotus


In the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, the lotus blooms and withers, with the ability to bloom again and again. Unlike other flowers that bloom before bearing fruit, the lotus has both flowers and fruit at the same time. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" of the Ming Dynasty emphasized the lotus's unique trait of "simultaneous flowering and fruiting." Therefore, in Buddhism, the lotus is regarded as a flower that can simultaneously manifest the Zen state of "past, future, and present." Buddha said that everything in the world is equal, regardless of the past, present, or future, the size of the world, or the status of people. Therefore, the lotus, which has a timeless appearance, becomes the flower of the pure land world.


Therefore, Guanyin Bodhisattva sits on the lotus (not just Guanyin Bodhisattva, but also other Buddhist figures) because the lotus represents "Dharma," expressing the profound and unfathomable Buddhist teachings. The lotus can also manifest past, present, and future without discrimination. The Diamond Sutra says, "The past mind cannot be attained, the present mind cannot be attained, and the future mind cannot be attained!" At the same time, the beautiful lotus, born from the mud that symbolizes the impure world, remains pure and noble, ultimately rising above the mud and transcending the worldly worries. This is also the most basic quality that practitioners in the world need to possess in order to achieve enlightenment.


material for lotus flower necklace

There are many different materials that can be used to make a lotus flower necklace, depending on the desired style and budget. Here are some options:


Sterling Silver: Sterling silver is a popular choice for jewelry as it is durable and has a bright, shiny finish. It is also relatively affordable.

Gold: Gold is a classic and luxurious material for jewelry. It is available in different colors such as yellow, rose, and white gold.

Rose Gold: Rose gold has become a trendy choice for jewelry in recent years. It has a warm, pinkish hue that is flattering on many skin tones.

Brass: Brass is a cheaper alternative to gold and has a similar color. It is a strong and durable metal that can be easily molded into different shapes.

Stainless Steel: Stainless steel is a durable and affordable option that has a modern, industrial look.

Wood: Wood can be a unique and eco-friendly material for jewelry. It can be carved into different shapes and stained or painted to achieve the desired look.

Resin: Resin is a versatile material that can be mixed with different pigments and additives to create different effects. It can be used to create colorful and lightweight pendants.

Ultimately, the choice of material for a lotus flower necklace depends on personal preference, budget, and the desired style.


why wear a lotus flower necklace?

Wearing a lotus flower necklace can hold a lot of symbolism and personal meaning for different people. In Buddhism and Hinduism, the lotus flower is a sacred symbol that represents enlightenment, purity, and spiritual growth. Wearing a lotus flower necklace can serve as a reminder of these values and help the wearer stay connected to their spiritual practice.


Additionally, the lotus flower has a unique life cycle that includes growing out of mud and murky waters, but still emerging as a beautiful and pure flower. This can represent the journey of personal growth and transformation, reminding the wearer to persevere through challenges and emerge as their best self.


Some people may also simply appreciate the beauty of lotus flowers and wear a lotus flower necklace as a fashion statement or as a way to connect with nature. Ultimately, the reason for wearing a lotus flower necklace can vary depending on personal beliefs, values, and style preferences.


how to wear lotus flower necklace?

There are different ways to wear a lotus flower necklace, depending on your personal style and the occasion. Here are some ideas:


Simple and elegant: Wear the necklace with a solid color dress or blouse to create a minimalistic and elegant look. Let the necklace be the focal point of your outfit.

Boho style: If you prefer a more bohemian look, wear the necklace with a flowy dress or top and add some layered bracelets or bangles. This look is perfect for a music festival or a casual day out.

Layered look: You can also layer your lotus flower necklace with other necklaces of different lengths and styles. This is a great way to add some depth and texture to your outfit.

Office wear: For a more formal setting, wear the necklace with a blazer or a button-up shirt. This will add a touch of elegance to your work outfit.

Casual look: If you want to keep it casual, wear the necklace with a simple t-shirt and jeans. This is a great way to add some style to your everyday look.

Overall, a lotus flower necklace can be a versatile piece of jewelry that can be styled in many different ways. Just experiment with different outfits and see what works best for you!

In conclusion, the lotus flower necklace is a beautiful and meaningful accessory that can represent many different things. Whether worn as a symbol of spiritual growth, personal transformation, or simply as a statement of beauty and grace, the lotus flower necklace is a timeless piece of jewelry that can be cherished for years to come. If you are looking for a piece of jewelry that is both beautiful and meaningful, a lotus flower necklace may be just what you need.

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